In Search Of A Great ISO
A company based in New Jersey called the ISO (Insurance Services Office) creates ratings for fire departments and their surrounding communities. The ratings calculate how well-equipped fire departments are to put out fires in that community. The ISO provides this score, often called the "ISO Fire Score" or Public Protection Classification to homeowners insurance companies. The insurers then use it to help set homeowners insurance rates. The more well-equipped your fire department is to put out a fire, the less likely your house is to burn down. That makes your home less risky, and therefore less expensive, to insure. ISO classifies communities from 1 (the best) to 10 (the worst) based on how well they score on the ISO Fire Suppression Rating Schedule, which grades such features as water supply and distribution, fire department equipment and manpower and fire alarm and dispatching facilities. The scoring is based upon industry accepted benchmarks.
A perfect score in Texas is 104.26. It consists of 50 points for fire department capabilities, 40 points for water supply and distribution (local MUD's are you listening?), 10 points for receiving and handling fire alarms and up to 4.26 points for "Texas Exceptions" that give extra credit for compressed air foam systems, certified volunteers and attending or teaching at the annual firemen's training school at Texas A&M University.
The following table shows the number of points required for each PPC Class:
1 90 +
2 80 to 89.99
3 70 to 79.99
4 60 to 69.99
5 50 to 59.99
6 40 to 49.99
7 30 to 39.99
8 20 to 29.99
9 10 to 19.99
10 0 to 9.99
Westlake Fire Department is currently under an ISO review. It's current classification is a "3". Hope is that the result of the on going ISO audit review will be that they move up to a "2" or even a "1". As stated above, the lower the score, the lower your property insurance rates are. Hence, ESD 47 and Westlake are in search of a great ISO number. I will keep you posted on the outcome.
Until then, stay safe.
Brian Havran