Our New Website


Our ESD 47 website is finally up and running. The main goal of the site is to keep you, the constituent, informed on what is happening in the world of your emergency services district in a readily accessible, easy to understand format. In case the term ESD 47 is new to you, let me explain briefly what we do. Harris County Emergency Service District 47 is responsible for providing fire suppression and emergency medical service within its boundary. To accomplish that mission, ESD 47 contracts with the Westlake Volunteer Fire Department which is located at 19636 Saums Rd. near Fry Rd. We feel that we have the most efficient, community centric, and well organized emergency service operation, not only in Harris County, but in all of Texas. Feedback from our residents overwhelmingly supports that claim.

On this website, we will post agendas of upcoming meetings and minutes of past ones. There is budget and property tax information for current and previous years, plus how they compare year over year. In case you have a question, comment, word of praise, concern, or even a suggestion, please feel free to contact us and you can do so in the contacts section. We've included election information and some helpful links as well. Finally, to keep a fresh appearance of the site, the President's Page will be updated regularly. It is hoped to be usually informational, sometimes humorous, never boring, but always a read that you will want to check in with.
Thanks for dropping by and stay safe.

Brian Havran, President
