Tuesday, November 2nd was election day for three ESD 47 commissioner positions. There were four candidates vying for three positions. The election stipulated that the candidates earning the three highest vote totals would be the winners of the election. There are no assigned areas or positions. All commissioners in ESD 47 are elected "at large."
Alright, with all of that being said, here are the vote totals as canvassed by the ESD 47 board on November 15th.:
Brian Havran 300
Gilberto Porras 339
Jimmy Vance 273
Michael Miller 379
So, a relatively close race. The winners were Havran, Porras, and Miller. Those gentlemen are elected for a four year term. Congratulations to them.
The next election will be held in two years in November 2023. Thank you getting out to vote.